SCHEDULE HERE before purchasing
Your pet is healthy and you want to keep them that way! We will go over diet options, vaccines and titers for your particular situation, flea/tick prevention, heartworm preventative: is it needed or not? and spaying or neutering.
We will also discuss the 5 Element constitutional type and what makes that particular element happy and healthy!
It includes:
- summary PDF with products, links, and specific recommendations customized to your pet and living situation.
- article on your pet's TCVM constitutional type
- one week of follow up email/text for any questions that arise
- recording of 1 hour ZOOM call
Further coaching or assistance is available in the form of the following ADD-ONs that can be purchased on the website HERE
- progress ZOOM sessions
- ongoing coaching packages: messaging via Voxer (text/voice/video)
- individual quick questions
- progress ZOOM sessions
Please continue to have a local veterinarian available for acute care, diagnostics and emergency support if needed. Every animal needs a set of eyes and hands on them from time to time. She is happy to work with your local veterinarian as well as answer any questions they may have.